Rod Benstead

200hr YTT in Progress
Rod Benstead

"Yoga is successful because of how it makes people feel. You come in one way and leave another way.” - Yoga Billy, Denver, CO

Rod attended his first yoga class over fifteen years ago. It was his solution to leave the house while his wife Lori hosted a cookware party, plus get a few good stretches in to compliment his cycling and running addiction. He still doesn’t cook much, but he still runs a bit, cycles a bit more and practices yoga a lot.

A few more classes and he quickly realized yoga is much more than stretching, balancing and staying “in shape.” Yoga is not just about the poses. Yoga is the complete union of body, mind and spirit. It is the transformation of mind, body and spirit to be our best self, our divine self. The more classes he attended, and feeling the positive energy of each practice, the more he learned about the poses, the Eight Limbs of Yoga, the Yoga Sutras and Yoga to maintain and improve a person’s health and total well-being. He did not go looking for Yoga, Yoga found him. It found him where he was and welcomed him. His hope and wish are that you too will let Yoga find, welcome, and transform you.

Rod knows that each and every student is unique. Whether it be a student new to Yoga or one with years of practice, they are all on their own path. When paths cross, which they are destined to, it is with humility, honor and friendship that we travel that portion of the path together.

Yoga is a lifelong practice that provides spiritual, physical and emotional growth. Rod’s mission and passion for teaching yoga comes from simply wanting to share its benefits, both on and off the mat, with everyone. His classes highlight the foundations of Yoga that, through his years of refinement, practice and education, have impacted him the most: Welcome to class, Yoga is for everyone, leave your ego at the door, slow down and work from the inside out, always strive to learn, set an intention that benefits you and the world, have fun, laugh, and peace.